Was Master of Monsters in that club? Also Devilish, that fishing game I can never remember, and so on. Not that I care anymore, not me! Nope, no system bias left over from a bygone era here! It’s all gooood! Consequently, games like Skitchin’ and FIFA Soccer sound pretty good for Genesis, but the best samples on the Genesis still couldn’t touch what the SNES was putting out at that time. They only used the Genesis’s Yamaha for light synth duty, and as far as I know, they didn’t use the PSG at all. EA’s sound programmers for the Genesis squeezed more performance out of that crappy sampler than perhaps anyone else, but they were still trying to use it like the SNES chip(which as you know was exclusively a sampler). Some of the Jeff Van Dyk Genesis stuff is actually pretty good, although they shortchanged themselves by their approach. The EA stuff for Genesis(and SNES) got a lot better as time went on. In most of the tracks, you can hear the faintest hint of actual notes, and everything else that might have been music sounds like it was replaced by somebody violently shaking the silverware drawer, or using a brillo pad on a chalkboard. That having been said, whoever made the music to RR3 must have been a major sadist. He was the poster child for what NOT to do with the Genesis sound chip(s), and the most popular reason to bag on both the Genesis, and western composers in general. Switch(Legacy Music Hour co-host and bafflingly unabashed Rob Hubbard fan….or “L Rob Hubbard”, as he likes to call him), but Rob Hubbard made some of the most gratingly painful Genesis music out there. Their graphics were usually chunky, the controls were sluggish, the control schemes quizzical, and the music was often so, so bad. In addition to reverse engineering, the early EA excelled at poorly implementing clever ideas. Jokes aside, I never cared much for early EA stuff, and Road Rash is a good example of why(see also Budokan, Sword of Sodan, and so on). Now, it doesn’t matter what you choose to play next it will sound amazing. WHOOOOOOEEEE that was painful! Great strategy, Brett, preceding the mighty Centepisode with Road Rash tunes.